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Document streams are a relatively new feature - not all of the traditional converters support them yet. If you are using another converter than perlpoint please refer to its documentation for docstream support.

With perlpoint, there are two options that control how docstreams are handled. First, -dstreaming is of interest. By default or with a value of 0, docstreams are handled as real streams. With a value of 1, they are ignored - which means that all paragraphs belonging to other docstreams than main will be removed from the result as if they were not written. And with a value of 2 streams are converted into subchapters.

The second control option is -skipstream, which allows to filter out certain streams. Remember Roberts request: he looked for a way to display slides and notes together. But what if some day he needs only the slides? With -skipstream he could filter out the notes when requested, without changes to his source. This makes it easy to produce exactly the version that is required.

It is not possible to filter out the main stream.

     # no streams at all
     perlpoint -dstreaming 1
     # no "notes" stream
     perlpoint -skipstream notes

Now if your options let some document streams intact as streams, it's time to have a look at formatting and layout.