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Document streams

Some day in the PerlPoint mailing list, Robert Inder asked for a way to get a layout like this:

       |                                       |
       |  _________________________________    |
       |  |                               |    |
       |  |    An Exciting Slide          |    |
       |  |                               |    |
       |  | * Point One                   |    |
       |  |                               |    |
       |  | * Point Two                   |    |
       |  |                               |    |
       |  | * Point Three                 |    |
       |  |                               |    |
       |  |<= Boring One       Another => |    |
       |  |-------------------------------|    |
       |                                       |
       | NOTES:                                |
       |                                       |
       | Point one is important because        |
       | blah blah                             |
       |                                       |
       | Point two really means that blah ...  |
       |                                       |

His idea was to have a region for the slide and another region for his notes. This was not possible in the days of his question, but it is today. In order to get users the required feature document streams were invented.

In general the request was to group certain parts of a chapter. And this is what docstreams do.