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Import Filter Usage

Once a filter is defined authors can use it as parameter to the ifilter directive of the \INCLUDE tag, when loading the nested source. 4

    // include a file in "format"
    \INCLUDE{file="file.format" type=pp ifilter=format2pp}

Note that the type parameter is still pp 5, it declares which format the file has when the PerlPoint parser sees it, which means when the filter has been run.

Because the filter is defined with two names the shorter name can be used as well, like so:

    // include a file in "format"
    \INCLUDE{file="file.format" ifilter=f2pp}

With each of these calls PerlPoint will invoke the filter to transform the file, and take its result as the PerlPoint source to parse. For you this makes files in the source format available to PerlPoint, transparently.

4: If it sounds too stressfull to take care of included filter definintion files the even more convenient generalized interface might interest you.

5: This is the default value, it is just shown to demonstrate the file type.