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Nested tables

Inlined tables directly lead us to table nesting. If a whole table can be expressed within a text paragraph, and all the separators are configurable, there is no reason not to try this. And in fact, it works!

    \TABLE{rowseparator="+++"} column 1 | column 2 |
    \TABLE{rowseparator="%%%"} n1 | n2 %%% n3 | n4 \END_TABLE
    +++ xxxx | yyyy | zzzzz +++ uuuu | vvvv | wwwww \END_TABLE

The cell separators do not need a redefinition - they always belong to the innermost table, seen from their position.

Unfortunately, nested tables are not supported by all target languages. SDF, for example, does not know them. So, if one is in need of them try if they work with a certain converter (parsing will fail if not), or consult the manual of your converter. HTML and XHTML, for example, do support nested tables and so do all PerlPoint converters that produce them.