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How deep to go?

Remember what we said about "container chapters": local TOCs can be used to give an impression of what will follow. This can help readers to get an overview, but is contra productive if the subchapters have lots of sublevels.

    ==Theme 1
    ===Subtheme 1.1
    ====Just more details
    ====Other details
    ===Subtheme 2.1
    ====Has details as well
    ====Even on a deeper level
    =====And deeper level ...

From the containers point of view, often it's sufficient to know what comes on the next level, without hints to all the hidden treasures and details.

The depth option advices \LOCALTOC how much levels shall be included.


Here the depth setting limits the TOC to one subchapter level. Regardless of how deep the hierarchy grows ... the TOC will remain general.