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Reading standard options from files

Both converter approaches support option files. Simplify your life by collecting options in files, and refer to these files in further calls:

    # option file
    -target XML -formatter XHTML::Paged
    # call
    perlpoint @xhtml.cfg source.pp

To get a step further, options used in every call can be stored in default option files in your home directory. These are loaded automatically and named like the converter they are called for: .pp2html is read by pp2html, while .perlpoint is evaluated by perlpoint. The definition of style directories could be a candidate:

    # style directories
    -styledir /home/xyz/styles
    -styledir /opt/data/styles

To make things even more general, similar files can be stored in the installation directories of the converters. This way the options are valid for all users of the tools, while files in your home directory are only read if a converter runs under your account.

Options specifed in the call overwrite such in a home directory default file, which overwrites options in an installationwide configuration.