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Available target formats

At the time of this writing, PerlPoint tools can produce these formats:

  • XML ( perlpoint -target XML)
    • XHTML ( perlpoint -target XML -format XHTML, or perlpoint -target XML -format XHTML::Paged)
      • ... in self defined or shared styles ...
      • S5 ( perlpoint -target XML -format XHTML -style S5 - the S5 style comes with PerlPoint::styles)
    • AxPoint ( perlpoint -target XML -format AxPoint)
  • HTML ( pp2html )
  • LaTeX ( pp2latex )
  • SDF ( perlpoint -target SDF, or pp2sdf )
  • POD ( pp2pod )

Formats can require the installation of additional packages, all available from CPAN or the project page on SourceForge.

More target formats can be achieved by new converters. If you are in need of a new target format, the simplest way is to write a generator or formatter module for perlpoint. Please see the developer area for details.