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Options declared on this level

The Generator module is the base of all generators, so these options are generally available.

option arguments example description
activeContents   -activeContents enables active contents
cache   -cache activates the cache
cacheCleanup   -cacheCleanup performs a cache cleanup
docstreaming method code -docstreaming 1 configures the document stream handling
help   -help displays online help ("usage")
includelib directory -includelib inc Adds a directory to the path searched for files to be included via \INCLUDE . Can be used multiply.
nocopyright   -nocopyright suppress copyright message
noinfo   -noinfo suppress runtime informations
nowarn   -nowarn suppress runtime warnings
quiet   -quiet suppress all runtime messages except of errors
safeOpcode an opcode or "ALL" -safeOpcode ALL specifies permitted opcodes in active contents (see the Opcode manpage for details), can be used multiply
set a user setting -set test allows user settings which can be evaluated in documents
skipstream the stream name -skipstream left skip a certain document stream
tagset the set -tagset HTML adds a tag set to the scripts own tag declarations (making those tags available)
title presentation title -title Examples sets up the presentation title
trace numerical trace level -trace 2 activates trace messages